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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemHide - still full of bugs - URGENT! Collapse All
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Offer Har Jan 8, 2009 - 8:13 AM

Dear Support,

We are using this function, and even though we already found few bugs there that you fixed, this function still does not work, ann also crashes our application very often.

We notice two bugs there:

1) If you show & hide several times in different orders (of nodes that have childrens), it start to switch nodes locations in the tree, which it should not.

2) After these switches accure, the next time you try to show & hide one of these nodes that were switched, the application crashes.

For us this function is a must - please ask your QA team to explore this functionality and fix it ASAP, as we have to use this function a lot.



Technical Support Jan 12, 2009 - 12:25 PM

Thank you for reporting this issue. We fixed it and send you a link to the fixed code by email.