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Offer Har
Jan 8, 2009 - 10:57 AM
Dear Support, Please run the application I sent you to reproduce the last bug I reported in ItemHide, and press the buttons in order, and then press button 4 four times. You will see that the tree lines are cut-off in the middle, I think that this hides a bigger bug. Please fix. Thanks, Ron.
Technical Support
Jan 8, 2009 - 2:37 PM
You can fix this by updating the following method: void CExtTreeGridCellNode::TreeNodeHiddenSet(
CExtTreeGridDataProvider & _DP,
bool bHide
ASSERT_KINDOF( CExtTreeGridDataProvider, (&_DP) );
bool bHidden = TreeNodeHiddenGet();
if( ( bHidden && bHide ) || ( (!bHidden) && (!bHide) ) )
if( bHide )
if( TreeNodeIsDisplayed() )
ULONG nOffset = TreeNodeCalcOffset( true, false );
if( nOffset != ULONG(-1L) )
ASSERT( _DP.m_arrGridVis[ nOffset ] == this );
INT nCountToRemove = _ContentWeight_Get( true );
_DP.m_arrGridVis.RemoveAt( nOffset, nCountToRemove + 1 );
CExtTreeGridCellNode * pNodeParent = TreeNodeGetParent();
if( pNodeParent != NULL )
ASSERT_VALID( pNodeParent );
pNodeParent->_ContentWeight_Decrement( nCountToRemove + 1, true );
ModifyStyleEx( __EGCS_EX_HIDDEN_TREE_NODE, 0 );
} // if( bHide )
ModifyStyleEx( 0, __EGCS_EX_HIDDEN_TREE_NODE );
if( TreeNodeIsDisplayed() )
ULONG nOffset = TreeNodeCalcOffset( true, false );
if( nOffset != ULONG(-1L) )
m_nContentWeightAll = ULONG( m_arrChildren.GetSize() );
INT nCountToInsert = _ContentWeight_CalcVisible();
//INT nCountToInsert = _ContentWeight_Get( true );
// ULONG nOffset = TreeNodeCalcOffset( true );
// ASSERT( nWeightVisible >= pNode->TreeNodeGetChildCount() );
_DP.m_arrGridVis.InsertAt( nOffset, NULL, nCountToInsert + 1 );
_DP.m_arrGridVis.SetAt( nOffset, this );
nOffset ++;
_Content_FillVisibleArray( _DP.m_arrGridVis, nOffset );
// CExtTreeGridCellNode * pNodeParent = TreeNodeGetParent();
// if( pNodeParent != NULL )
// {
// ASSERT_VALID( pNodeParent );
// pNodeParent->_ContentWeight_Increment( nCountToInsert + 1, true );
// }
} // else from if( bHide )
This is not the final fix. We are working on a similar issue related to more complicated nested row layouts in report grid. The fix above is related to a tree grid only.