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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » colors in skinned apps / files Collapse All
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vabsolutions Oct 17, 2010 - 3:22 PM

Dear support,

In a skinned application,

Is it possible to use a color instead of an image to draw, for example, a background.

I would like to do it without having to change my application.

(like editing the xml skin file)

thank you.

Technical Support Oct 17, 2010 - 11:55 PM

The background is painted by the following virtual method of a paint manager class:

   virtual bool PaintDockerBkgnd(
                        bool bClientMapping,
                        CDC & dc,
                        CWnd * pWnd,
                        LPARAM lParam = NULL
Generally it does always mean that the background has a specific color assigned. It can be a solid color in one theme. It can be a gradient in another theme. It can be based on bitmaps in yet another theme. You can override the above method in your paint manager class and repaint the background of any UI element.

Prof-UIS also supports a feature that allows you to paint the background consistently for parent and child controls in your application. This feature is demonstrated in the TabbedBars sample. Please read the following forum threads:

Most of the forum threads above are related to dialog background repainting. But you can use that for any windows.