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Eric guez
Apr 2, 2010 - 6:43 AM
Hi again!
I want to add bitmaps to my main menu (eg: MenuControlBar background, and BarButton background). Is there a sample for that ?
If not, wat is the best way ? (custom CExtBarButton&CExtMenuControlBar, or custom paintmanager ?)
Technical Support
Apr 5, 2010 - 5:16 AM
The menu bar background is based on the parent dock bar window background and there is no skin item for re-defining the menu bar’s background. Please override the CExtControlBar::DoEraseBk() virtual method in your CExtMenuControlBar -derived class and paint a custom background there.
Eric guez
Apr 2, 2010 - 9:17 AM
Ok, I tried the xml skin system, and it sounds promising.
How can I set my menubar background ? Its seems to paint the general BG; can I set another bitmap ?
I have another problem with the 9 parts cutting:
the 1st image is the backgroud bitmap.
In the skin file I have : <Glyph Name="Background" Image="BlackDiamond\Background\menuBarBg_test.png" Ctp="10" Clp="10" Cbp="10" Crp="10" Tp="10" Lp="10" Rp="10" Bp="10" />
the 2nd image is my floating menu : it looks ok the 3rd image is the docked menu : the borders are cropped
Help :)