Dear Support,
I am trying to create the following application:
1) A tree and some other controls in a docked control bar on the left side
2) Menu bar and toolbar using Prof-UIS
3) Tab container in the rest of the window.
I have created the tree dialog OK, but I have problems filling the rest of the window with the tab container - I have dereived my class from CExtTabPageContainerWnd
, and created it as a child of the main frame window:
m_pTab->Create(AfxGetMainWnd(), CRect(0,0,0,0), AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST)
and filled it with tabs.
However, it does not look good - sometimes the tab container is not displayed, if I remove the the toolbar I sudenly see the tabs, etc etc.
What am I doing wrong...? Is there any sample that shows how to implement this?