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Gevork Odabashyan
Dec 11, 2009 - 6:30 AM
When Main frame switching from MAXIMIZED state to RESTORED and then again to MAXIMIZED state,
the control bars layout not restoring.
To reproduce bug use next steps:
- Start ProfStudio sample and switch Main Frame to MAXIMIZED state.
- Change proportion of the "ClaseView" and "Server Explorer" bars heights to about 1:3 or ~ 25% : 75% of the Main Frame height.
- Switch Main Frame to RESTORED state
- Switch Main Frame to MAXIMIZED state
Proportion of the "ClaseView" and "Server Explorer" heights changed.
Now its about 1:1 or ~ 50% : 50% of the Main Frame height.
This bug appears in 2.87 release.
The bug reproduced on ProfStudio sample builded from 2.87 release sample sources.
If download ProfStudio sample from you site the bug not reproduced.
Maybe its help to fix the bug.
We need to get work around for this bug in the short time!
Technical Support
Jan 3, 2010 - 9:48 AM
The resizable control bars docked into one column store information about their height in pixels. They do not store any floating point values describing percent of column height occupied by each bar. The same about widths of resizable control bars docked into one row. If the column height is too small for the main frame in restored state, and you have two resizable bars occupying 25 percent and 75 percent of height in maximized state, then restoring main frame and maximizing them again can change 25/75 proportion to something closer to 50/50 proportion. This is design of current control bar positioning algorithm implemented in Prof-UIS. It’s not critical in the most of cases because applications with many bars are usually limiting the minimal size of main frame window via handling the standard WM_GETMINMAXINFO message.
Gevork Odabashyan
Jan 4, 2010 - 3:42 AM
We cannot limiting the minimal size of main frame window in our application.
This is the choice of our users.
So, the bug is very critical for us and our users!
We have not this problem with Prof-UIS version 2.84.
Please, fix this critical bug.