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Saayan Choudhury
Oct 20, 2010 - 3:39 AM
Hi, Could you please suggest a simple way to combine date picker (CExtDatePickerWnd) with an edit box. I wish to use this in a dialog. When I tried to make display a CExtDatePickerWnd object on the fly (on a button click) the rendering had problems. Other dialog controls showed on top of the date picker. I tried with wndTop and wndTopMost styles - it did not work. (pls see attachment). Thank you, Saayan
Saayan Choudhury
Oct 20, 2010 - 9:44 AM
Technical Support
Oct 20, 2010 - 9:31 AM
You don’t have to code your edit control displaying a popup CExtDatePickerWnd control. Please use the CExtDateTimeWnd control.