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Paul Collin
Aug 25, 2011 - 5:07 AM
Hello, I have modified an example from Profs-UIS 2.92, the MDI example. I have add a menu item, OpenFile, which call the WinApp::OpenFile() Method and only this. When this method is called, an error occurs, a display message with "Encoutenred an improper argument" and nothing else. I did this on Windows 7 and MS 2010. I don’t know if this error comes from Prof-UIS or other but this would be good if you could give me some ideas to solve this problem. I have had this error many times when trying to migrate from MS 2003 to MS 2010 a Profs-UIS 2.23 application on Windows XP. Thanks in advance,
Technical Support
Aug 25, 2011 - 1:29 PM
To avoid any misunderstanding ... could you send us a modified version of the sample application?
Paul Collin
Aug 25, 2011 - 5:17 AM
Of course this is not "Encoutenred" but "Encountered".