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Adrian M
Feb 25, 2010 - 4:36 PM
Technical Support
Feb 26, 2010 - 5:39 AM
The CExtProgressWnd control of Prof-UIS 2.88 supports the endless mode. You should set the CExtProgressWnd::m_bEndlessMode property to true (of course, it’s false by default). Then you should initialize the CExtProgressWnd control like the classic MFC’s CProgressCtrl control with range of values (0..100 for example) and invoke the CProgressCtrl::StepIt() method on timer running by some window in your project or invoke it on any step during some lengthy operation. This endless mode of the CExtProgressWnd control is very similar to the classic non-endless progress control’s mode. But the progress control uses the endless visual look and you can control how long each loop in it. Additionally, the CExtProgressWnd::m_nEndlessNominator and CExtProgressWnd::m_nEndlessDenominator properties of the LONG type allow you to define the size of the highlighted area in the endless progress. By default, the CExtProgressWnd::m_nEndlessNominator property is set to 1 and CExtProgressWnd::m_nEndlessDenominator property is set to 3 . This means the highlighted area is 1/3 of horizontal progress width or vertical progress height.
Adrian M
Feb 25, 2010 - 4:37 PM
Just checking the notification box.