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tera t
Feb 22, 2008 - 4:33 AM
It is not malfunction of Prof-UIS. Give me advice. When I do not do Delete of a variable with CreateCompatibleDC.
Will it be the thing which the following phenomena are given to?
1, Application stops. 2, A lack of memory error is given in CExtMemoryDC-__Flush used in the Ribbon inside.
tera t
Feb 25, 2008 - 5:21 PM
I perform CreateCompatibleDC in the application side. It is caused by the fact that I did not delete the domain. Therefore. I cannot secure a DC domain and fell in Prof-UIS side.
Technical Support
Feb 25, 2008 - 4:33 AM
The GDI API invocations should be implemented very carefully. If you create a DC and select some GDI objects into it before painting, then you should invoke exactly the same de-initialization API invocations in the reverse order before deleting the DC. Do not delete the DC if you have not selected any previous GDI objects into it.