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Offer Har
Mar 1, 2008 - 5:19 AM
Dear Support,
I have a cell with a check box text and button. I would like that when the check-box is unchecked, the text will appear read-only and the button will be disabled.
Can this be done? If yes, can you please explain, if not, can this feature be added to next releases?
Thanks, Ron.
Technical Support
Mar 17, 2008 - 5:09 AM
We have just checked our implementation of the check box and came to a conclusion that you should not apply the __EGCS_READ_ONLY style if you want to leave the check box enabled and clickable. Instead, apply the __EGCS_NO_INPLACE_CONTROL cell style in the CMyGridCell::OnSetCheck() method , set the cell’s text color to COLOR_3DSHADOW and make the button disabled.
You can control if a cell button is enabled or disabled by overriding CExtGridCell::OnQueryButtonInfo() virtual bool OnQueryButtonInfo(
INT nButtonType,
bool * p_bEnabled,
bool * p_bPressed = NULL,
bool * p_bStayPressed = NULL,
UINT * p_nTimerElapseValue = NULL
) const;
Offer Har
Mar 12, 2008 - 6:57 PM
Wouldn’t this make the check-box disabled as well? I want the check-box to remain enabled even when it is un-checked.
Technical Support
Mar 4, 2008 - 2:37 AM
You should handle the event fired when the check state of a grid cell is changed by the user. You can use a derived cell class whose the OnSetCheck() virtual method is overridden. Here is a sample code: void CMyGridCell::OnSetCheck(
INT nCheck,
CExtGridWnd & wndGrid,
LONG nColNo,
LONG nRowNo,
INT nColType,
INT nRowType,
const RECT & rcCellExtra,
const RECT & rcCell
ASSERT_VALID( (&wndGrid) );
DWORD dwCellStyle = GetStyle();
if( (dwCellStyle&__EGCS_CHK_MASK) == 0 )
// place your code here
} The nCheck parameter specifies whether the check box is checked ( nCheck==1 ), unchecked ( nCheck==0 ) or undetermined ( nCheck==2 ). Please note you can also override the CExtGridWnd::OnGridCellSetCheck() virtual method in the grid class. Inside your overridden method just analyze the nCheck parameter and make the cell read-only (and add the button) when it equal to 0. Otherwiese remove the button and read-only style.