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mediatime Conseil
Nov 30, 2010 - 4:52 AM
Hi Take a look to this image After updating profuis from 2.85 to 2.91 i get strange behaviour on Group boxes, the label of some groupboxes is displayed with (...) at the end of the work (ellipsis)? The property sheet is now skinned, how can disable the skin of this control? Thank you
mediatime Conseil
Dec 6, 2010 - 7:21 AM
Hi I think the problem in the CExtGroupBox is due to three spaces added to the end of the label, when i remove them the label is displayed correctly without the (...) at the end. Thank you
Technical Support
Dec 1, 2010 - 7:19 AM
The CExtResizablePropertySheet window is themed both in v.2.85 and v.2.91. But 2.91 just subclasses the tab common control with a new CExtThemedTabCtrl class. I.e. v.2.91 supports the tabbed property sheet window better. The themed tabs are never resized. This window uses the layout of Win32 tab common control. It’s just repainted using Prof-UIS paint manager. The layout of controls inside tab page dialogs should be exactly the same. The layout problems demonstrated on your screen shot probably depend on particular virtual method and message handler implementations. Could you send us source code of your CExtResizablePropertySheet -derived and/or CExtResizablePropertyPage -derived classes?