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Apr 6, 2016 - 1:20 PM
is there anything planned in a next release to handle High-DPI screen such as 240 dpi (250 %scaling) ?
I have received a new laptop with a 4K screen resolution. And I can’t work with it, as glyph in Prof-UIS built-in are too small., and some other things I can deal with my icons, my bitmaps, but not with built-in.
is there something planned in Prof-UIS? is there any advice ? (except using dpiAware=false in my manifest, which is just a work-around: I can’t have benefit of my screen in application drawing area)
is there anybody out there who experienced already such problem?
Reinhold Hoffmann
Apr 18, 2016 - 9:08 PM
Hi, We also have to start adjusting our products for high scaling (200% and more). Such scaling is required because of high resolution screens and in particular now for tablets which almost come with DPI=192 and more. DPI Awareness = NO is not an option. Talking about input for a next Prof-UIS release package, this feature is an urgent request. Regrads, Reinhold
TSELLC Support
Apr 18, 2016 - 9:05 AM
The problem is currently reviewed and you’ll be notified when a solution is available.
Oliver Rau
Apr 15, 2016 - 11:44 AM