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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Horizontal scrollbar for CExtGridWnd is not displaying on demand Collapse All
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Scott Moore Feb 6, 2009 - 9:22 AM

I have a CExtGridWnd that is inside a

typedef CExtNCSB < CExtWA < CExtWS < CExtAFV < CFormView > > > > GridFormView;

My problem is when I refresh the grid and the number of columns exceeds the visible region, the horizontal scrollbar does not automatically show up.  If I resize the frame or move a dynamic control bar or resize an adjacent resizeable control bar, then the scrollbar shows up.

What can I do to force the horizontal scrollbar to always display when needed?

Technical Support Feb 6, 2009 - 2:18 PM

We suspect you simply forgot to invoke grid’s OnSwUpdateScrollBars() method.