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Daisy Peterson
May 7, 2008 - 11:56 AM
Is there a way of querying the main frame for the active control bar? I need to forward some messages to the active control bar instead of the t an active MDI window. Kevin Eshbach
Technical Support
May 7, 2008 - 2:57 PM
The active control bar is a term specific to MFC/Prof-UIS. It has not to do with the GetActiveWindow() Win32 API. The active control bar contains a focused window. You can get a pointer to the active control bar in this way: CExtControlBar * GetActiveControlBar()
HWND hWnd = ::GetFocus();
for( ; hWnd != NULL; hWnd = ::GetParent( hWnd ) )
if( ( ::GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_CHILD ) == 0 )
CWnd * pWnd = CWnd::FromHandlePermanent( hWnd );
if( pWnd == NULL )
CExtControlBar * pBar = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CExtControlBar, pWnd );
if( pBar != NULL )
return pBar;
return false;
} This function can return a pointer to a CExtToolControlBar object if an editor/combo box control attached to some of its buttons and the user is editing text in it. This function can also return a pointer to a CExtPanelControlBar object if some window inside is focused.