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Chun Pong Lau
Jul 18, 2008 - 1:06 PM
Dear support team, In a ribbonbar application, there is a big button in the leftmost-topmost corner position. This is a very nice feature. How can I detect its mouse up event and call my own function? Thanks a lot. Chun Pong
Technical Support
Jul 19, 2008 - 11:30 AM
This big button in instance of the CExtRibbonButtonFile toolbar button. It’s instantiated in the CExtRibbonBar::Ribbon_FileButtonInit() virtual method. You should override this virtual method and return instance of your CExtRibbonButtonFile -derived class. Your button class should implement the CExtBarButton::OnClick() virtual method for handling mouse click events. Please do not forget to invoke method of parent button class.
Chun Pong Lau
Jul 19, 2008 - 2:42 PM
Yes. It works. Thank you for your answer.