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Paul Boswell
Dec 23, 2008 - 8:09 AM
Is there any way to add an icon to the CExtPropertyGridComboBoxBar?
Technical Support
Dec 24, 2008 - 8:02 AM
Thank you for the interesting question. The CExtPropertyGridComboBoxBar displays a list of the CExtPropertyStore property store objects inserted into the property grid control. A property store has only the name property, which is a single line text string. Which icons should be displayed in the combo box? Should we add the icon property to the CExtPropertyStore class and regard your question as a feature request? If yes, then it would be reasonable also to provide the icon property to all the property values and property categories and display it inside the property grid in the name column. This means the icon should be added into the CExtPropertyItem class which is the base of the CExtPropertyStore , CExtPropertyCategory and CExtPropertyValue classes.