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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Is there any sample to show the use of the new message box? Collapse All
Subject Author Date
Offer Har Dec 18, 2008 - 5:14 PM

Especially hoe to place it in

    virtual int DoMessageBox(LPCTSTR lpszPrompt, UINT nType, UINT nIDPrompt);

Of the CWinApp



Technical Support Dec 19, 2008 - 11:35 AM

Please put the IMPLEMENT_CWinAPP_DoMessageBox; line of code into declaration of the CWinApp-derived class. This will replace all the ::AfxMessageBox() message boxes with Prof-UIS message boxes. If you are using the ::MessageBox() function from Win32 API, then you can replace it with the similar ::ProfUISMsgBox() function or with the CExtMsgBox::DoMsgBox() static method.

Both the ::ProfUISMsgBox() function and the ::CExtMsgBox::DoMsgBox() static method are replacements for Win32/MFC message boxes (the ::ProfUISMsgBox() function simply calls the CExtMsgBox::DoMsgBox() static method which simply displays modal CExtMsgBox dialog). Our message boxes use two set of styles:

1) Basic styles. They are the __EXT_MB_*** flags. Most of them are similar to the MB_*** values defined for Win32/MFC message boxes and have the same meaning and numeric constant value. But some of basic flags are new and specific for Prof-UIS message boxes only. Please see help file and comments near declaration of the __EXT_MB_*** flags before declaration of the CExtMsgBox class.
2) Extended styles. They are the __EXT_MB_EX_*** flags. These flags are not related and not intersected with Win32/MFC message boxes.

If you need only skinned message boxes and do not need extended features of the CExtMsgBox-based message boxes, then you should simply use the ::ProfUISMsgBox() function or the ::CExtMsgBox::DoMsgBox() static method instead of ::AfxMessageBox() and ::MessageBox(). If you need extended features, then please read documentation for the ::CExtMsgBox::DoMsgBox() static method where you can discover which extended message box features can be specified in its parameters.