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Mar 11, 2008 - 11:31 AM
When opening a document that contains an "&", the title in the MDI contains an underscore.
Example open a doc Doc&View
The text displayed in the MDI Tab is Doc_View (underscore is below the V) The text displayed in the List is also Doc_View
Whereas in the title bar of the mainframe, it is marked as Doc&View
More information : we use 2.70 version of Prof-UI
Technical Support
Mar 19, 2008 - 6:45 AM
You can find the following code in the CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl::NcFrame_Paint() and CExtPaintManagerSkin::NcFrame_Paint() methods: dc.DrawText(
); In both cases we applied the DT_NOPREFIX flag because we supposed nobody has reason to use underlined characters in window captions. We have removed the DT_NOPREFIX flag in both cases.
Mar 18, 2008 - 11:43 AM
I sent emails confirming it is a bug on your site.
What is the status ?
Technical Support
Mar 14, 2008 - 12:40 PM
This is a bug of MFC. You can make sure of this yourself by creating a simple MFC application. Or, if you mean something else, please send us some screenshots that clarify the issue.