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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Issues running on Windows 8 Collapse All
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carbone luca Jul 29, 2015 - 4:33 AM


I downloaded the because I read that after 3.00 the Prof-UIS are ready for Windows 8 and 8.1 and VS2013 can be used... I used C_ProfUISDLL_1200.sln to compile "MBCS Win32" (bith debug and release). Well, using them on Windows 7 everything seems to be ok except the skin is not enabled: did you removed "CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Silver" one?

More issues running on Windows 8:

  1. Any toolbar derived by CExtToolControlbar seems to be properly loaded.

  2. Any bitmap loaded fits as on Windows 7 does.

Those two issues do not appear on Windows 7... Can you help me to understand what get wrong?

Thank you,


carbone luca Jul 29, 2015 - 10:42 AM

I installed as suggested but I still have the same problem. I’ll check deeply what wrong loading skin. For other issues I’d like to add a picture but the related button does not work! Can I send you by email? Please provide a valide address.

Art Wilkes Jul 29, 2015 - 8:23 AM

We did not remove any previous Theme. Look at the Profuis_Control and the Office 2010 Silver R2 Theme is on the UI toolbar. If the Theme is incorrect let us know and we will look at it. Also you should upgrade to as it has some minor theme corrections.

We are unsure about the next two statements as they appear to indicate everything is OK.

Prof-UIS Support

carbone luca Jul 29, 2015 - 10:42 AM

I installed as suggested but I still have the same problem. I’ll check deeply what wrong loading skin. For other issues I’d like to add a picture but the related button does not work! Can I send you by email? Please provide a valide address.