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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Joined cells are not printed correctly when reaching over the page Collapse All
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Maik Schöpe Nov 25, 2016 - 6:39 AM

We have a Grid with 2 outer rows at top and in the top row the column headers are represented by joining the cells together. Imagine a grid with 30 columns and in the first row the first 20 cells are joined together. When this grid is printed, tis cell that spans over more than 20 columns doesnt fit on the first print page. However the cell is just printed over the border of the first page and on the second page only a small portion of this cell is printed.

I evaluated that in the OnPreparePrinting_RenderSingleCellAtTopOrBottom function the render width is calculated by adding the joined cell widths together, but there is no check, if it is actually overprinting the page.


Maik Schöpe (ORSOFT GmbH)


TSELLC Support Nov 28, 2016 - 4:43 AM

This was answered in a separate email.
