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Robert Webb
Oct 17, 2010 - 10:42 PM
Hi, When I select an item in my CExtTreeCtrl, it highlights in dark blue. If the window loses focus, the selected item changes to a light grey. On some machines this is hard to distinguish from the white background. How can we make the selected item maintain its dark blue colour even when the window loses focus? I had hoped ShowSelectionAlwaysSet() would do it, but it seems not to. Thanks, Rob.
Technical Support
Oct 18, 2010 - 12:55 PM
Please override the CExtTreeCtrl::OnQueryWindowFocusedState() virtual method. Your method should return true .
Robert Webb
Oct 19, 2010 - 8:07 PM
Ah, thanks, that did the trick. I never would have found that way or doing it. Rob.