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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » ListView Collapse All
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howard liu Jun 28, 2008 - 12:14 AM


Is there any Equivalent ProfuI control  for ListView and listControl derived from these classes

howard liu Jul 5, 2008 - 3:34 AM



Thanks for the sample application 


Could you please provide us with the latest build/ dll that handles the list ctrl, list view (specialized version for the CListCtrl type  provides skinned scroll bars)




Technical Support Jul 7, 2008 - 12:42 PM

Please request the source code via email so we will reply with the download information.

howard liu Jul 5, 2008 - 3:34 AM



Thanks for the sample application 


Could you please provide us with the latest build/ dll that handles the list ctrl, list view (specialized version for the CListCtrl type  provides skinned scroll bars)




Technical Support Jul 7, 2008 - 12:41 PM

Please request the source code via email so we will reply with the download information.

Technical Support Jun 30, 2008 - 1:02 PM

The grid control is very good replacement for the list view in report mode. But grid does not have other classic list view modes: list, small/big icon. The CExtNCSB template class (not CExtNCW!) has a specialized version for the CListCtrl type and provides skinned scroll bars. You should simply use the CExtNCSB < CListCtrl > class as the base of your list view class. This will make standard list view control be based on skinned Prof-UIS scroll bars. Better skinned list and tree view controls are developed for the next version (including a list view control with a skinned header):

howard liu Jul 2, 2008 - 12:33 AM

If i use CExtNCSB < CListCtrl > class as the base of my list view class.some of the listview methods like GetListCtrl cannot be used .

And also if i use CExtNCSB < CListView > instead of ClistView i am getting profUI ScrollBar,but THUMBTRACK and THUMBPOSITION functionality is missing.only on mousewheel change scrollBar is moving.plz tell how to enable THUMBTRACK and THUMBPOSITION functionality.

Offer Har Jun 28, 2008 - 8:17 AM

Nope - but you can use the grid control for creating a list control equivalent.

howard liu Jun 30, 2008 - 8:59 AM

But I Already have a listctrl and ListView which i want to modify to profui equivalent.many of listctrl and listview methods are not suppoerted by gridctrl as it is not derived from ClistCtrl.

Technical Support Jul 2, 2008 - 11:24 AM

The CExtNCSB < CListCtrl > type is a specialized template class declared as:

template < > class CExtNCSB < CListCtrl > : public CExtNCSB_Impl < CListCtrl >
where CExtNCSB_Impl is a generic template class:
template < class _BTNCSBimpl > class CExtNCSB_Impl : public _BTNCSBimpl
In both cases the parent classes have the public access. So, if you have a CExtNCSB < CListCtrl > object or object of some class derived from CExtNCSB < CListCtrl >, the CListCtrl class methods must be available without any problems. Please ensure the CExtNCSB < CListCtrl > class is also a public base class of your list control class:
class CYourListControl : public CExtNCSB < CListCtrl >

The CExtNCSB < CListView > specialization is not supported yet. But you can copy the entire declaration of the template < > class CExtNCSB < CListCtrl > specialized template class from Prof-UIS source code to your project and replace the CListCtrl type with the CListView type in the copied lines. The new CExtNCSB < CListView > specialized template class must be inserted into your project before its usage in the classes derived from it.

Offer Har Jun 30, 2008 - 9:01 AM

You are correct. This should be addressed to the support team (wherever they are... it seems they have left the building...)

But as I asked this question in the past, and this was the answer I got, I am just relaying it to you