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Roberto Manes
Jun 10, 2016 - 3:39 AM
Hi I’m running prof-uis version 3205 and it seems that when I load the bmp file through the function LoadBMP_File the rgb triplets are swapped as bgr.
Bitmap is used in a CExtGridCellPicture oject.(see code below)
Could you check this behaviour ?
// preview CExtGridCellPicture *pCellPreview = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellPicture, GridCellGet( 5L, nRowNo, 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CExtGridCellPicture) ) );
CString szPrintJobBitmap; szPrintJobBitmap.Format(_T("%s\\preview.bmp"), pji->m_szFolder); pji->m_pBitmap = pCellPreview->BitmapGetBuffer(); pji->m_pBitmap->LoadBMP_File(szPrintJobBitmap, true, true);
pji->m_pBitmap->Make32(); pCellPreview->ImageModeSet(CExtGridCellPicture::eTile);// eStretch);
Thanks in advance
TSELLC Support
Jul 4, 2016 - 3:51 AM
This was answered in a separate email.