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Product Development
Apr 20, 2010 - 11:07 AM
I reported this bug, which was fixed in 2.61: Fixed a bug when the Windows task bar was covered by the maximized main frame/dialog window when a skinnable or Office 2007 theme was applied.
however, I can still replicate it with the samples if the windows taskbar is docked to the left edge of the desktop.
Here are the steps to replicate: 1) dock windows taskbar to left edge of desktop. 2) launch one of the samples, I use "MDI" sample. 3) restore the window, so that it is not maximized. 4) minimize the window. 5) restore the window. 6) maximize the window.
the size of the window seems correct, but its position is wrong. If the windows taskbar is 200 pizels wide, then the positoin of the window will be 200 pixels too far to the left, behind the taskbar and off the edge of the monitor.
Technical Support
Apr 22, 2010 - 5:28 AM
We confirm this issue has re-appeared in 2.88. It’s fixed in the latest pre-release 2.89. You can drop us an e-mail to the support mail box so we will provide you with the 2.89 pre-release download.
Ed Nafziger
Jun 4, 2010 - 5:02 PM
I can still replicate this in 2.89, however I have narrowed it down to a multi-monitor issue, and I no longer care if this is fixed.
FYI: This issue seems to only occur if I have a second monitor enabled, and the SECONDARY monitor is setup as the LEFT monitor in windows display settings.
If you want more details on how to replicate this with the "FullScreenState" sample please let me know, otherwise I will dismiss the issue as non-important and just work around it myself.
Technical Support
Jun 14, 2010 - 11:03 AM
We reproduced this issue. Thank you. It really occurs only when the main monitor is on right and the secondary monitor is on left. It does not occur constantly. We can switch Prof-UIS themes 20 times and only 1-2 times the incorrect window maximized position happens. We just want to notify you we are working on this issue.
Ed Nafziger
Apr 20, 2010 - 11:46 AM
also occurs if the windows taskbar is docked at the top edge of the desktop.
Ed Nafziger
Apr 20, 2010 - 11:13 AM
I can replicate this in 2.88