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Dominik Braendlin
Nov 30, 2010 - 1:55 AM
Dear Tech Support, I recently discovered that if I maximize an mdi document in a ribbon mdi project I do not get the Minimize, Restore and Close icons next to the blue question mark about dialog icon (e.g. Excel 2007). What am I doing wrong? I have also noticed that it is not possible to create mdi documents with your RibbonBarMDI demo project, so I have no example. I am using Prof-UIS 2.91. Regards Adrian
Peter Rohleder
Dec 23, 2010 - 3:13 AM
Hello Adrian I’d the same Problem and found Your question. Here ist the answer . You have to insert the MDI-Buttons to your right buttons collection, usually in _InitRibbon_RightButtonsCollection
You can do this with the following lines:
CExtRibbonNodeMdiRightButtons * pNodeMDI = new CExtRibbonNodeMdiRightButtons;
pRibbonNodeRightButtonsCollection->InsertNode( NULL, pNodeMDI ) Regards Udo
Dominik Braendlin
Dec 23, 2010 - 4:03 AM
Hi Udo,
Thanks for your help. Unfortunately these lines of code are already in my source code, so this might not be the case. I have checked the critical files with the support and they seem to be ok, although it still does not work. I wonder if I have created some unintended side effect that prevents these buttons from showing. I guess that I have to do some more looking into it L. Any other suggestion is very much appreciated.
Technical Support
Dec 2, 2010 - 12:21 PM
The view window can be any type of window. The problem can be brought by the main frame and/or MDI child frames. Please check implementations of message handlers and virtual methods in these classes.
Dominik Braendlin
Dec 3, 2010 - 5:01 AM
I have checked all the relevant spots in the source code and yours looks quite as mine except that I am using a CView Doc/View child window and you are using a CWnd child window which according to you should not be the problem. This code is present:Any idea where else to check? CExtRibbonNodeMdiRightButtons * pNodeMDI = new CExtRibbonNodeMdiRightButtons; pRibbonNodeRightButtonsCollection->InsertNode(NULL, pNodeMDI);
Technical Support
Dec 3, 2010 - 11:15 AM
Technical Support
Dec 1, 2010 - 11:30 AM
The RibbonBarMDI creates a new MDI child frame window when you press the Ctrl+N keys. The [-][o][x] buttons work there. We need to take a look at the main frame’s and MDI child frame’s source code to understand why MDI child frame windows in your project do not handle system commands.
Dominik Braendlin
Dec 2, 2010 - 3:14 AM
I checked the RibbonBarMDI project and my project to see if I am missing something in my project but I could not find anything missing. The only big difference that I have found is that you are creating a ChildView based on a CWnd were as I am creating a ChildView based on the MS Doc/View (CView) concept. Our MDI project is based on the Visual Studio Wizard MDI DocView template. Could this be the case?