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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Missing resource files in v3.2.0.2 Collapse All
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Jon Strembiski Jul 14, 2015 - 11:59 AM

I just downloaded and installed Prof-UIS and built it with VS2010. After adding in some missing CPP files to the C_ProfUISDLL_1000 solution I found some missing resource files. Specifically:


Can you let me know where I can get these missing files from? There were not installed by the EXE installer to the include\resources folder.


Jon Strembiski Jul 14, 2015 - 11:23 PM


I will watch for the new release tomorrow. I only came across these missing files when I was getting some asserts in my code while trying to use the new themes. I found that Include\Resources\Resource.rc had a section to not include resources for the themes I wanted to use and figured changing that section to look like the following would solve the problem, but it just highlighted the missing RC files I mentioned earlier.

// Themes Defines
//#define __EXT_MFC_NO_OFFICE2007
//#define __EXT_MFC_NO_OFFICE2010
//#define __EXT_MFC_NO_OFFICE2013

I will grab the new release and try it out tomorrow and let you know if I run into any more trouble with it.


Art Wilkes Jul 14, 2015 - 12:47 PM

I don’t think these files are required. They are not on my system files list.
We probably need to revise the 2010 project.
I don’t think we use these files any more.
I’ll run a compile on the 2010
and get you off a new set of projects.
I’m posting a new release tomorrow and this will be resolved in that release.
Prof-UIS Support