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Gevork Odabashyan
Dec 4, 2009 - 6:59 AM
Dear support,
the two monitor problem not completely resolved in version 2.8.7.
To reproduced this problem we used ’FormulaGrid’ sample from url:
running on Windows XP SP3 with two monitors.
To reproduced bug we used the next steps:
- Expand task main frame on two monitors.
- Block current session (Ctrl+Alt+Del, Enter)
- Unblock session and see that task main frame reposition to one monitor (instead two monitors).
The same problem appear when new icon adds to system tray (for example Outlook Express notifies about new message).
We and our users waiting for resolving this problem from version 2.8.4 but it still in 2.8.7.
When you plan to resolve this problem?
Technical Support
Dec 14, 2009 - 9:28 AM
We just want to notify you we are working on the fix. We use the two monitors with different resolutions because we didn’t reproduce this size jumping issue on a single monitor environments.
Gevork Odabashyan
Dec 11, 2009 - 6:35 AM
Have we chance to get work around for this bug?
Gevork Odabashyan
Dec 11, 2009 - 7:08 AM
The bug reproduced on ProfStudio sample builded from 2.87 release sample sources.
If download ProfStudio sample from you site the bug not reproduced.
Maybe its help to fix the bug.
We need to get work around for this bug in the short time!