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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Problem when dragging a floating bar frame in 2.83 Collapse All
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Offer Har Jul 7, 2008 - 6:56 AM

I have an application, in it a floating bar.

1) Click on the main-frame title bar to give it the focus (this ensures the floating bar does not have focus)

2) Move mouse to the frame of the floating bar

3) Start dragging (fast! from the time you press down the button till you start move the mouse do not wait - the bar must not have the focus when starting the drag.)

You will see that the frame and the mouse cursor are not in the same place - the frame is lagging after the mouse.

This did not happen in version 2.82.

Technical Support Jul 7, 2008 - 12:36 PM

We believe the problem is really hidden in something what has not been discussed yet:

1) Do you use any heavy timers in your project?

2) Do you use any heavy command updating methods in your project?

3) And last but not least: do you use a heavy overridden version of the CWinApp::OnIdle() method in your project?

Offer Har Jul 7, 2008 - 1:01 PM

1) We use timers, to update the views

2) No

3) No

But - in 2.82 with the same code this does not happen.

Technical Support Jul 8, 2008 - 8:29 AM

If we start drag-n-dropping a floating control bar, the mouse position is always kept in the same location relative to the top/left corner of the floating mini frame window regardless of how we started drag-n-dropping it. But, if we have two or more visible control bars in one tabbed group and we drag the third floating bar into the third tab into the same tabbed group temporarily without releasing tje mouse button and then drag it out of the tabbed group, then the mouse position relative to the top/left corner of the floating mini frame window can change. Is that what you mean?

Offer Har Jul 8, 2008 - 8:32 AM

Dear Support,

When I first reported that bug, I sent you a video clip of how it looks. Did you look at it?

Please look at it and it will all be clear.
