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Offer Har
Dec 1, 2010 - 11:28 PM
Hi, We have MDI application with an MDI tab control. when we set the title of one of the view to use the <html><big>... the tab displays no string. Can you please provide us a full list where this feature works and where it doesn’t before you start and use it? It will be a problem if we find out that in some places we need it, it doesn’t work after we reworked all of our code. Thanks, Ron.
Technical Support
Dec 3, 2010 - 11:16 AM
Yes, HTML is supported for any tabs. Could you insert the title modification code into the DRAWCLI sample project and then send it to us?
Technical Support
Dec 2, 2010 - 4:53 AM
The CExtEdit andCExtListCtrl is not compatible with the HTML everywhere feature. The CExtTreeCtrl does not support custom measured tree items, i.e. HTML can be displayed but does not affect item sizes. The window captions can be HTML but we cannot display HTML in tip windows displayed for Windows Task Bar’s buttons and inside windows displayed on Alt+Tab keys. Of course, non-skinned window captions cannot display HTML. The CExtThemedTabCtrl tabs do not support custom measured tab items, i.e. you cannot use a big HTML in resizeable property page captions. HTML is better for use in CExtTabWnd Prof-UIS tab window than in its themed versions like One Note. Everything else looks like compatible with the HTML everywhere feature. Please find the IDR_DRAWCLTYPE string resource in the DRAWCLI sample project. It’s the following string:
\nDrawcl\nDrawcl Document\nDrawcl Files (*.drw)\n.drw\nDrawcl.Document\nDrawcl Document\nDCLI\nDrawcl Files
Then replace its value with: \n<html><big style="color:red;">Drawcl</big></html>\nDrawcl Document\nDrawcl Files (*.drw)\n.drw\nDrawcl.Document\nDrawcl Document\nDCLI\nDrawcl Files
Now you should see a big red text in MDI tabs. The same can be done by changing MDI child frame and/or MFC document titles.
Offer Har
Dec 3, 2010 - 5:58 AM
I don’t understand - does it or doesn’t it support CExtTabMdiWnd ? What we see is that no text is displayed on the tab if you add <html><big>NAME</html></big> to the view’s title.