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David Skok
Jun 12, 2008 - 3:01 PM
I override OnSiwPaintBackground in all of the grids in my app to paint a gradient fill. In v2.82 grid cells with the __EGCS_READ_ONLY style had a transparent background showing the gradient through like the other cells. in v2.83 they have a fixed color of white. In addition the methods I used to show coloring other than transparent in such cells no longer works. How can I revert to previous behaviour? Dave
Technical Support
Jun 16, 2008 - 10:16 AM
The CExtGridCell::BackColorSet() , CExtGridCell::BackColorGet() , CExtGridCell::TextColorSet() and CExtGridCell::TextColorGet() methods in v.2.83 are exactly the same as in v.2.82. All these methods take a e_cell_state_t eCellState parameter. The CExtGridCell::e_cell_state_t enumeration was extended in v.2.83 with several new constants: enum e_cell_state_t
__ECS_ALL = 0, // color in any state
__ECS_NORMAL = 1, // normal, not hovered, not selected, not highlighted
__ECS_SELECTED = 2, // selected
__ECS_HOVERED = 3, // hovered
// next added in 2.83
__ECS_READ_ONLY = 4, // normal, but read-only
__ECS_HIGHLIGHT_PRESSING = 5, // pressed
__ECS_HIGHLIGHT_BY_FOCUS = 6, // in the same row or column with focused
__ECS_HIGHLIGHT_BY_SELECTION = 7, // in the same row or column with selected
__ECS_HIGHLIGHT_BY_HOVER = 8, // in the same row or column with hovered
// total count of supported colors
__ECS_COUNT = 9,
}; Which background color types you are using in your grid cells? And which cell classes you are using?
Technical Support
Jun 14, 2008 - 3:19 AM
The CExtScrollItemWnd::OnSiwPaintBackground() virtual method in v.2.83 works in the same way as in v.2.82. The CExtScrollItemWnd::OnSiwGetReadOnlyBackgroundColor() and CExtScrollItemWnd::OnSiwGetReadOnlyTextColor() virtual methods return the background/text colors of read-only grid cells. You can implement the CExtScrollItemWnd::OnSiwGetReadOnlyBackgroundColor() virtual method and return the COLORREF(-1L) value from it to make all the read-only grid cells having the default background.
David Skok
Jun 16, 2008 - 7:34 AM
Thank you, that fixes read only cells that I want to have the default background like they did in v2.82 but there still is a problem. I have some read only cells that I set the background color using BackColorSet for the cell. This works fine in v2.82 but no longer works in v2.83. How can I fix this? Keep in mind that I do not set all read only cells in a single grid to the same background color. There are different background colors for read only cells in the same grid. Thanks, Dave