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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Ribbon Node File Collapse All
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Antonio Pelli Neto Aug 7, 2009 - 3:06 PM


I’m facing a big problem trying to include the RibbonNodeFile in the Formula Grid Sample. I tried everything including copying the example from RibbonBars, but it didn’t work. I’m moving from CodeJock to Prof-UIS, but the help really didn’t help me.


Antonio Pelli Neto Aug 10, 2009 - 8:54 PM


Thank you for the information. It worked.

Best regards,


Technical Support Aug 10, 2009 - 6:20 AM

The FormulaGrid sample application demonstrates a simplified ribbon bar layout without the ribbon file button (a.k.a. application button). Some applications does not require rich and big ribbon file menu and we just used the FormulaGrid sample application to demonstrate such ribbon bar layout. The CMyRibbonBar class in this sample application have the following implementations of the ribbon bar’s virtual methods:

 virtual bool Ribbon_FileButtonInit() { return false; }
      bool RibbonLayout_IsFrameIntegrationEnabled() const { return false; }

If you want to initialize the ribbon file menu, then you should remove these virtual methods from the CMyRibbonBar class. Then you should initialize the ribbon file button like the RibbonBar sample application does.