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Ulrich Heinicke
Jul 1, 2008 - 2:32 AM
Hi, you told me in May that you have a shell support code. Could you send me the code for testing? Ulrich
Ulrich Heinicke
Jul 3, 2008 - 6:00 AM
It looks very nice. I need the classes CExtShellListCtrl and CExtShellTreeCtrl for my project. Could you send me the source now? Ulrich
Technical Support
Jul 4, 2008 - 1:15 PM
Could you request it via email at We will send you the zipped source code via email or provide a link to ftp.
Technical Support
Jul 2, 2008 - 12:10 PM
We really have. Both CExtListCtrl and CExtTreeCtrl classes mostly work but the CExtHeaderCtrl class used in the list control is not finally skinned yet. We also made the CExtShellListCtrl and CExtShellTreeCtrl classes really working as shell controls, including watching for file system modifications (including a tree) and shell context menu:
The problem is that the source code contains many trash methods, some duplicated methods and does not contain many required virtual methods for event notifications to be used in the real life applications. We really can send you the source code of the test project above, but there is no sense to test it yet. Besides, we are going to use these controls in some new and written from scratch classes like CExtFileDialog .