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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Squared off, black corners Collapse All
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Kevin Murray Oct 14, 2010 - 3:02 PM

Using 2.90 of the MFC library, have noticed on XP (32-bit) if you attempt the XP look and feel (even in your sample applications) via either the "Native" toolbar option, or the VIsual Studio options, or the Office options prior to Office 2007, the normally rounded corners of the application will "square off" with the extra pixels being black.  Mind you, the application will start up just fine with whatever theme was in use when it last exited.  But as soon as you change the theme/skin to one of those I mentioned, the corners go back to black, when after reselecting the theme/skin you started with.

Is there anything I can change to fix this?


Technical Support Oct 25, 2010 - 11:51 AM

We fixed this issue. Please drop us an e-mail to the support mail box at this web site so we will provide you with the source code update download.