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Dominik Braendlin
Nov 30, 2010 - 2:13 AM
Dear Tech Support, Some of the 2007 and 2010 Office Products feature in the status bar next to the percent controls little buttons to e.g. in Word to change from Pagelayout to Weblayout and so on. I have seen that one of your competitor bcgsoft calls it “Status bar pane buttons group” and has a pretty simple approach to get it done. I was wondering if you also have an easy way to add such a buttons group to an e.g. mdi ribbon project. Regards Adrian
Technical Support
Dec 1, 2010 - 11:31 AM
You should create a CExtToolControlBar toolbar window as a child of a CExtStatusControlBar status. Then attach the toolbar to a status pane using the CExtStatusControlBar::SetPaneControl() method. The status pane will be resized according to the size of the attached toolbar. Of course, you will need a toolbar displaying small buttons without a gripper and a chevron. Please take a look at the AdoRecordsetView sample applications. There are several small toolbars near horizontal scroll bars there. These small toolbars are provided by the CInplaceToolbarWnd class implemented as part of the AdoRecordsetView project.