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carbone luca
Jan 11, 2016 - 8:35 AM
We have an MDI app with CExtDynamicControlBar-derived windows created at runtime. Using v3.20 of the lib we observed a strange performance decrease while changing the focus between 20+ windows opened (floating state). At the same time v2.83 does not have this problem, the focus is changed much much faster. This behaviour can be reproduced using "MDI_DynamicBars" sample with changing #define __DEMO_BARS_COUNT_ALL 20 // 40 to #define __DEMO_BARS_COUNT_ALL 50 // 40 and undocking all the control bars. Why the performance has been decreased so much from v2.83 to v3.20? Is it possible to get the same good performance in case of many windows opened or at least improve it? Thank you.
carbone luca
Jan 29, 2016 - 5:48 AM
Any comments/suggestions?