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Dennis Ioakim
Nov 25, 2009 - 1:04 AM
Good day, when testing our software created with ProfUIS under Windows7, greek text in our PropertyGrid isn’t displayed correctly i.e. random glyphs appear. Are there any issues of ProfUIS with Unicode and Windows7? Also please clarify this: What is the default font used in your various controls (especially the PropertyGrid) and how can they be changed? Thanx in advance.
Technical Support
Nov 25, 2009 - 12:16 PM
Prof-UIS runs OK on Windows 7. You should use a Unicode Prof-UIS configuration to see the correct Greek characters. The CExtPaintManager::m_FontNormal font is default for most of controls. The CExtPaintManager::m_FontCaption font is the window caption font for skinned windows (used only when paint manager supports window non client area skinning). The CExtPaintManager::m_FontNormalBC font is the floating control bar caption font and docked resizable bar caption font.