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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Wrong un-docking behaviour in 2.83 Collapse All
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Offer Har May 9, 2008 - 3:43 PM

Consider this scenario:

1) You hove a floating bar in the center of the display

2) You drag it to the left side of the main-frame and dock it on the left side

3) You double-click the bar title (when it is docked)

What you except is that the bar will become float again in the center of the display. What happens is that the bar becomes floating, but in the left side of the display, where you let loose of the mouse button while clicking in step 2. It seems that you re-float it where it was dropped, and not where it began the drag, which is the right place.

Technical Support May 11, 2008 - 2:04 PM

In old style MFC control bars, a marker rectangle is displayed on the screen during drag-n-drop and a control bar is kept in its last floating state until the user releases the left mouse button. New style control bars show their window content during drag-n-drop. This means the floating position of control bar constantly changes during drag-n-drop. We guess that is why the latest MS Office applications allow you to double click on the floating mini frame caption and ignore double clicks on docked bars.

Offer Har Jun 21, 2008 - 9:48 AM

This does not make sense and is confusing...

Why don’t you keep the location when dragging starts? This is the basic rule of Drag & Drop.