Version 2.91 - November 2, 2010
Release Notes
Version 2.91 introduces a fully-fledged declarative UI we call HTML Everywhere. Now you can not only visualize UI elements with HTML but also subscribe and respond to events triggered inside those elements. A new backstage view control similar to that in Microsoft Office 2010 is completely based on this declarative UI. A control like the backstage view has only one window handle and does not consume any additional window handles at all. HTML Everywhere, which first appeared as a beta version in v.2.90, is now much faster, supports most HTML and CSS features and can even visualize the HTML generated by Microsoft Word.
What's New
- Added a
CExtRichContentScrollWnd class, which implements a simple and fast scrollable HTML viewer control.
- Added a
CExtRichGenWnd class, which implements an HTML generator control. It uses a tree data structure describing a logical structure of UI elements to generate an HTML document that displays the described UI. This control is similar to a web server and a web browser together in one box.
- Added a
CExtRibbonBackstageViewWnd class (see screenshot), which implements a backstage view control based on CExtRichGenWnd . The control generates and displays an HTML based backstage view similar to that in Microsoft Office 2010 applications.
- Added a
CExtRibbonBar::m_pBackstageViewWnd property and a set of new CExtRibbonBar::BackstageView_***() methods to use the backstage view control with the ribbon bar.
- HTML Everywhere now supports:
float:left and float:right
align parameter of the IMG tag
- CSS pseudo classes
- HTML output generated from the Microsoft Word
- Added a
CExtRibbonBar::m_bFileTabButtonDisplaysText property to display text on the ribbon file button (you can still display an icon instead).
- Added an automatic best-fit feature for rows and columns in the
CExtGridWnd control.
- Added a
__EGCS_EX_AUTO_BEST_FIT extended grid cell style, __EGBS_BSE_EX_AUTO_BEST_FIT_COLUMNS and __EGBS_BSE_EX_AUTO_BEST_FIT_ROWS grid control styles, a set of new CExtGridWnd::OnGridQueryAutoBest***() and CExtGridWnd::OnGridDoAutoBestFit***() virtual methods.
- The
CExtEditBase class now supports advanced Prof-UIS tooltips. Added a CExtEditBase::m_nAdvancedTipStyle property.
- The
CExtSliderWnd class now supports advanced Prof-UIS tooltips. Added a CExtSliderWnd::m_nAdvancedTipStyle property and CExtSliderWnd::SetTooltipText() method.
- Added
CExtHeaderCtrl::OnNotifyHdnTrack() and CExtListCtrl::OnNotifyHdnTrack() virtual methods for processing HDN_TRACK notifications from the CExtHeaderCtrl control.
- The
CExtEditSystemNumber control now supports editing of the scientific number format. Added a CExtEditSystemNumberCurrencyBase::m_bUseScientificNumberMode property and CExtEditSystemNumber::LongDoubleGetBase() , CExtEditSystemNumber::LongDoubleGetMantissa() , CExtEditSystemNumber::LongDoubleGetPower() methods.
- Added a
CExtListCtrl::m_bSelectAllOnCtrlA flag property to select all list view items on the Ctrl+A key combination.
- Added a
CExtShellDialogBrowseFor::m_bHelperEnableShellAutoCompleteInEditor property. If the m_bHelperEnableShellAutoCompleteInEditor is true (by default), the edit control can be used for typing paths and it supports auto completion.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed hijacking issues relating to invocations of the
LoadLibrary() Win32 API. Now the LoadLibrary() is invoked only from the Prof-UIS source code at early stage global object constructions.
- Fixed incorrect measurement of wrapped text in grid cells performed by the
CExtGridCell::MeasureCell() virtual method.
- The AltGr key was supported incorrectly in the
CExtMenuControlBar class when it was used with some European keyboard layouts.
- The
UDM_SETBUDDY message was processed incorrectly in the CExtEditWnd class. It attached a CExtSpinWnd control to a CExtEditWnd control using an incorrect spin control location.
- Fixed some Visual Studio 2010 project building issues in the Prof-UIS Integration Wizard.
- The Make New Folder button in the Prof-UIS Browse for Folder dialog did not create a new folder under the drive root folder