Version 2.85 - May 23, 2009
Release Notes
Version 2.85 introduces a formula grid control with functionality similar to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a set of geographic controls for editing and displaying latitude and longitude data and a lot of improvements to the generic grid control including region-based cell management and clipboard and OLE drag-and-drop support.
What's New
Added a set of classes that implement the functionality of an Excel-like spreadsheet (see screenshot):
CExtFormulaGridWnd , a spreadsheet.
CExtFormulaGridCell , an extended OLE variant data cell with the ability of storing and editing formulas.
CExtFormulaAlphabet , a class that parses and converts a string into a valid cell reference, which identifies the location of a cell or group of cells in the spreadsheet.
CExtFormulaDataManager , a class that manages formulas and named cell ranges.
CExtFormulaFunction , a function object.
CExtFormulaFunctionSet , a container for all supported functions.
CExtFormulaItem , a compiled formula tree node.
CExtFormulaValue , the result of a formula calculation or a parameter of a function.
CExtFormulaValueArray , a simple and handy array for storing CExtFormulaValue objects.
CExtGridDataProviderSparse , an in-memory grid data provider for managing large two-dimensional arrays of grid cells. It is the default data provider for the CExtFormulaGridWnd .
CExtGR2D , a range of cells that can consist of one or more rectangular ranges of grid cells. It can be used both with CExtGridWnd and CExtFormulaGridWnd .
SelectionRangeGet() and SelectionRangeSet() methods to the CExtGridBaseWnd , which allows you to determine which cells are selected and set the selection to an arbitrary set of cells.
Added a FormulaGrid sample that demonstrates the features of
CExtFormulaGridWnd and CExtGridWnd :
- on-the-fly formula calculation
- syntax highlighting formula editor with auto complete pop-up list boxes
- highlighted and editable cell ranges
- rich tool tips
- named ranges
- sparse data provider
- standard copy, cut, paste commands compatible with Microsoft Excel, Open Office Calc and text editors
- delete selection and clear formatting for any cell ranges
- OLE drag-and-drop between processes
- import from/export to Microsoft Excel
- styling grid cells with fonts and colors
- formula grid extensions like a formula bar, a name manager and a value watch window
CExtRibbonBar control with simplified layout and selected cell ranges changing their visual appearance on mouse hover over a ribbon gallery.
Added drag-and-drop support for
CExtGridWnd -based windows. You can configure this feature by adding or removing the following advanced grid styles:
AdvGetStyle() and AdvModifyStyle() methods to the CExtGridWnd class. The methods allow you to manage the advanced grid styles.
Added the following virtual methods to the
CExtGridWnd class for handling drag-and-drop operations with grid cells:
CExtGridWnd now supports the standard copy, cut, paste and other commands and keyboard shortcuts. You can specify which commands are enabled by assigning a combination of __EGSA_*** flags to the CExtGridBaseWnd::m_dwSupportedAccelCommands property. The following virtual methods are added:
Added a set of
CExtGridWnd::GridClipboard***() methods and CExtGridWnd::OnGridQueryClipboard***() overridables for managing the private clipboard format of a grid control. The clipboard format is used by both drag-and-drop and clipboard copy/paste features of the CExtGridWnd plain grid control and CExtFormulaGridWnd formula grid control.
__EGWS_BSE_WALK_HORZ_NO_EDIT and __EGWS_BSE_WALK_VERT_NO_EDIT grid styles, which, when applied, disable editing the focused cell after pressing the left/right or up/down arrow key in an edited cell.
Added a set of the
CExtGridWnd::OnGridCellPopupListBox***() virtual methods for handling events from built-in list boxes in cells in CExtGridWnd -derived classes.
Added a
CExtGridWnd::OnGridFilterInplaceEditingMessageLoop() virtual method that allows you to filter out the message loop being tracked by a cell's in-place editor.
Added a
__EGWS_BSE_EDIT_RETURN_MOVES_NEXT_ROW grid style that sets focus on a cell in the next row when the user presses Enter on the edited cell.
Added a
CExtGridCellLL class that implements a geographic longitude/latitude input grid cell.
Added a
__EGWS_BSE_EDIT_F2_CLICK grid style that turns on in-place editor activation when F2 pressed.
Added a
CExtGridCell::OnQueryDrawTextFlagsForInplaceEdit virtual method that allows you to use a text alignment in the in-place activated cell editor control different from the alignment in the non-edited grid cell.
Added a
CExtGridCell::OnAdjustMeasureTextFlags virtual method that enables the grid cell’s text measurement control.
Added a
hWndParentForEditor parameter to the OnInplaceControlCreate() , OnGridCellInplaceControlCreate() and OnGbwBeginEdit() methods of the CExtGridBaseWnd class. This allows you to create the in-place cell editor window outside the grid window.
Added support for colored text and background printing/previewing to the
CExtPPVW template class so now all Prof-UIS grids support this feature. You can now indicate that the colors should be also applied to the printing by specifying the new __ECS_PPV constant when setting the colors using the CExtGridCell::TextColorSet() and CExtGridCell::BackColorSet() methods.
Added support for merged cells to the
CExtPPVW template class so the printing/print preview for the CExtGridWnd and CExtTreeGridWnd classes now supports this feature.
bExpandedOnly and bIncludeHidden parameters to the CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemGetVisibleIndexOf() method.
CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemCellJoinAdjustCoordinates() method now allows you to find the top/left corner cells in each merged cell area in the tree grid control for further merged area modifications.
BrowseNext() , BrowsePrev() , ItemGetNext() , ItemGetPrev() , ItemGetIndexOf() and ItemGetSiblingIndex() methods to the CExtPropertyItem class.
Added a
CExtLLEditWnd class that implements a geographic longitude/latitude input control with on-the-fly text validation.
Added a
CExtLLMapWnd class that implements a geographic longitude/latitude control that displays a world map with city markers and highlighted time zones. The control allows the user to specify a longitude and/or a latitude by selecting a map point.
Added a
CExtCheckComboBox class that implements a combo box with a check box next to each item in the list box. It also features an edit with a text string of concatenated checked list items separated by a locale-specific separator.
Added a GeoControls sample that demonstrates the features of the
CExtLLEditWnd and CExtLLMapWnd classes (see screenshot).
__DIT_FILL_2007 and __DIT_CHAR_2007 values to the CExtBarColorButton::e_def_icon_type_t enumeration, which define a fill color icon and a character color icon for the color picker toolbar button.
OnRibbonPrepareBarContextMenu() and OnRibbonPrepareButtonContextMenu() virtual methods to the CExtRibbonBar , which allow you to modify the default context menu over the ribbon bar.
Added a
CExtPopupMenuTipWnd::m_bNoHideDetection flag that keeps advanced tip windows visible.
Added a
CExtPopupMenuTipWnd::g_bEnableAdvTips static flag that disables all advanced tips globally.
Added a
CExtPopupMenuTipWnd::m_fontAdvTip property that allows you to specify a custom font for the advanced tip window.
CExtScrollItemWnd::Create() method is now virtual and its dwWindowStyle parameter’s default value is now WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN .
m_dwAttributeFilterAny , m_dwAttributeFilterAllPresent and m_dwAttributeFilterAllAbsent properties to the CExtShellComboBox class so that you can filter shell items. The same properties are now present in the CExtShellTreeCtrl and CExtShellListCtrl classes.
Added a
CExtShellDialogFile::m_pidlRoot property. The same property is now present in the CExtShellDialogBrowseFor class.
Added a
CExtShellDialogFile::m_bEnableButtonCreateNewFolder and CExtShellDialogFile::m_bEnableButtonDelete flags to allow you to disable persistently the Create New folder and Delete buttons in the shell file dialog.
Added a
CExtCmdIcon::CreateIndeterminatedSquareIcon() method.
Added a
CExtBitmap::FromColor() method that creates a bitmap object with a solid color and specified transparency level. Such a bitmap can be very handy for highlighting screen areas.
m_bHandleAltKeyCodes and g_hWndEditInAltKeyCodeMode properties to the CExtEditBase , which allow you to perform and control the Alt-based character code input in the Prof-UIS edit control.
Added a
CExtTreeCtrl::OnTreeItemDoDragDetect() virtual method which sends a TVN_BEGINDRAG notification to the parent window of the tree control.
g_bMRU_UseFullPathsInMenu and g_bMRU_UseFullPathsInTipTool static flags to the CExtPopupMenuWnd , which allow you to display full file paths in MRU menu items and/or tooltips displayed over them.
Removed the
__EXT_MB_DEFAULT_CHECKED message box style due to conflict with other styles. Added a __EXT_MB_EX_CHECK_BOX_IS_NOT_CHECKED_INTIALLY extended style instead.
Added a
__ETWS_EX_NO_PREFIX extended tab window style that makes tab item text painting based on the DT_NOPREFIX flag.
- The quick access toolbar's customization dialog page in the ribbon bar's options dialog now supports an independent command category with commands from the ribbon bar's file menu only.
CExtColorDlg class dialog now supports persistence for dialog window position and color selection mode.
Bug Fixes
Fixed incorrect scaling of printed/previewed content in the
CExtPPVW template class.
WM_MOVING and WM_SIZING messages are now supported by the windows with skinned non-client areas.