Version 2.87 - November 13, 2009
What's New
Version 2.87 features features a new Office 2010 theme and new controls and grid cells that allow the user to edit numbers and currency values. There are also a lot of improvements, particularly in the visual look of controls.
New Features
- Added an Office 2010 theme (see screenshot).
- Ribbon controls are now skinned with the XML/PNG based paint manager (ProfSkin)(see screenshot).
- Prof-UIS is now fully compatible with Windows 7.
- Added a currency control (the
CExtEditSystemCurrency class) and a currency grid cell (the CExtGridCellSystemCurrency class). Both classes are based on the currency format from the Windows locale settings.
- Added a number editor control (the
CExtEditSystemNumber class) and a number grid cell (the CExtGridCellSystemNumber class). Both classes are based on the number format from the Windows locale settings.
- Content in the controls based on the rich edit control (masked edit control, number editor and currency editor) can now be colorized (see screenshot1 and screenshot2).
- Added the following new properties:
CExtTreeCtrl now supports the TVM_SETINSERTMARK message and the following notifications:
CExtHeaderCtrl now supports the following notifications:
- Added a
CExtComboBoxBase::m_bUseCaseSensitiveAutoComplete property to turn on/off case sensitive autocompletion in the combo box control.
- Added a set of
CExtBitmap::OlePictureLoad() overloaded methods to load images of different formats into a CExtBitmap object using the OleLoadPicture() OLE API.
- Added a
CExtGridBaseWnd::SelectionOptimize() virtual method to minimize the number of selection rectangles used in grid controls.
- Split buttons with auto-changeable command identifiers in ribbon controls now support screen tip auto-changing for the command part of the split button (see the
CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode::CmdScreenTipFindForDisplaying() method).
- Added a
__EPCWS_USE_SCROLLBAR_CTRL style to the CExtPageContainerWnd class to allow you to use a scroll bar common control for scrolling the content of pages.
- Added a
CExtBarButton::IsPaintDropDown() virtual method to provide a look of a simple push button for a drop-down button in a toolbar or in a ribbon.
- Office 2003 theme on Vista now uses blue colors similar to those under the Luna theme on Windows XP.
- Parameter
bSelect in CExtTreeCtrl::SelectItem() is now set to true by default.
- Added
eTouchInside and eTouchOutside values to the e_ImageMode_t enumeration to stretch an image proportionally in a CExtLabel or CExtGridCellPictureBase control.
- Added a feature to
CExtTabWnd to display the shape of the drag-and-dropped tab item. Added the following styles and virtual method:
- Added a
__EGCS_EX_MULTILINE_TEXT grid cell style to provide multi-line support without word wrapping.
- Added a
CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemHideSubTree() method to show/hide all tree items in a subtree.
CExtPropertyGridWnd now supports VK_TAB -based navigation through property values, property categories and neighboring controls on a dialog window.
- Added a
CExtBarButton::CtrlDetach() method to detach a window from a toolbar button.
- Added a new
CExtRibbonBar::m_bUniqueButtonsInQATB property to keep only unique buttons in the Quick Access Toolbar.
- Added a
bVisibleOnly parameter to the CExtRibbonPage::RibbonQuickAccessButton_***() methods to easier enumerate both initial and customized Quick Access Toolbar buttons.
- Added
CExtBitmap::Clipboard_***() methods and CExtBitmap::g_strExtBitmapClipboardFormatName static variable to support clipboard operations in CExtBitmap bitmaps.
CExtHeaderCtrl::OnHeaderItemClick() is now called on any mouse button click and features a new nMouseButton parameter.
- Added a
bSetSel parameter to the CExtEditWithBehavior::CBehaviorBase::Behavior_GetValidText() method.
- Added a
CExtGridCell::CompareEx() virtual method to ease cell comparison. For instance, you can now only dates when a report grid is being grouped and compare both dates and times when it is being sorted.
Bug Fixes
- The Customize Quick Access Toolbar dialog and the dialog that allows you to customize keyboard shortcuts now contain only unique commands.
- Grid cells in a print preview did not take up the unneeded space for the grid cell buttons which were not printed.
- Fixed a bug in
CExtTreeGridWnd when after removing some tree rows under deep nestled collapsed tree rows, it crashed.
CExtTreeCtrl in single selection mode now does not allow you to select multiple items with VK_CONTROL and left mouse button click.
- Fixed a bug in the Unicode version of the
CExtHeaderCtrl control related to its column resizing algorithm.