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Library build configurations

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Prof-UIS can be used in EXE, DLL, and ActiveX projects and supports the following linking options:

  • Dynamic linking of Prof-UIS and MFC. Your project is dependant from both Prof-UIS and MFC DLL modules. To use this option, simply set up your project to use MFC dynamically.
  • Static linking of Prof-UIS and MFC. Your project is not dependant from Prof-UIS nor from MFC DLL modules because both are linked statically. To use this option, simply set up your project to use MFC statically.
  • Static linking of Prof-UIS and dynamic linking of MFC. Your project is dependant from MFC only. Prof-UIS is linked statically. To use this option, simply set up your project to use MFC statically and define __STATPROFUIS_WITH_DLLMFC__ in the preprocessor settings of your project.

You can learn more about all 36 library configurations supported in Prof-UIS by reading the article Prof-UIS Build Configurations.