Prof-UIS provides a rich set of classes for arranging your windows into tabbed interface. Tab-related classes can be
divided into five groups:
The tab windows are available in different styles:
- Whidbey
- One Note
- Flat
- Button
- Native XP
- Office 2007
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio 2005
- Visual Studio 2008
- Visual Studio 2010
Each tab control features:
- splitting tabs into different groups that have similar attributes
- compact style for tabs
- tab animation while scrolling
- "<", ">", "?", and "X" control buttons
- tab icons
- tooltips over tabs and over control buttons
The tab control windows are also used in tabbed control bar containers.
Figure 1. Tab control (One Note style)
Figure 2. Tab page container (flat style)
Figure 3. MDI application with MDI tab window (One Note style)